Full-Stack engineer (JavaScript, Node.js, PHP, etc.) + DevOps with practical experience in several IT areas
I've started my professional career in a far 2002 on a position of "Systems Engineer" and was involved in a continuous code development/improvement/upgrade of city-wide client-server system used for collecting, sorting/grouping, processing and reporting of the utilities payments data. There were many technologies used but the key roles were played by (in order of being in development): FoxPro, dBase, SQL, HTML, ASP, JavaScript. Also most parts of the system infrastructure components were significantly improved and upgraded to run as the Visual FoxPro desktop applications with modern windows-styled interfaces built from set of visual components.
At present I have advanced knowledge of 5+ programming languages (JavaScript, Node.js, PHP, Perl, ASP, Visual FoxPro) and related fields (Linux, Bash scripting, HTML, CSS, MySQL, MongoDB, Docker, Redis, GraphQL, RabbitMQ, Git, Nginx, Apache, etc.). Websites creation, Open Source projects deployment, applications development, building, testing and improvement - these are the skills I work with daily. I'm constantly improving my abilities in it.
During last few years I've been working as a
full-stack specialist providing gathering and transformation of customer's
business requirements into well-documented technical requirements of product
functionality which tech-staff can easy read, understand and implement.
Excellent analytical and research skills, ability to explain complex concepts in
easy-to-understand language - allow me to communicate actively with all company
departments involved in process and identify most effective architecture
solutions which provide maximum performance in a minimal costs.
I am passionate about clean and elegant code and believe that laconic
documentation in conjuction with detailed descriptions of workflows and rules
- saves not only time but money.
Years of on-hands experience with various kinds of high-loaded systems, built
on top of modern web-technologies makes me strongly believe that development
of smart, qualitative and useful software with a friendly user interface - is
the best profession!
- diploma with honors
Kremenchuk State Polytechnical University, Ukraine
[7.091003] Design Engineer of Electronic Equipment
Awarded an honorary diploma for the 2nd place in the competition for the best thesis project
- graduate diploma
Kremenchuk State Polytechnical University, Ukraine
[7.091003] Design Engineer of Electronic Equipment
LAB325 - is a Product Engineering team with R&D facilities.
Specialized in whole IT solution services for fast-growing organizations around the world.
eCommerce platforms (Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, PrestaShop) Visitors Tracker with cross-site customer identification and behavior prediction. Used to boost conversion rate and on-site revenue by sharing data and communicating with Machine Learning Engine through API interface.
Later it was used as a core module for creation of enterprise-level software named Visitors Guru - simple tool to find out what companies are visiting website.
Development, implementation and support of company-wide automated operations and finances Management system